Is Your Water Main the Culprit Behind Rising Utility Bills?

water main leak

Whether you’re a first time homeowner or a seasoned one, high utility costs can be frustrating—and they’re even more frustrating when hidden water leaks are the cause. What many homeowners don’t realize is fixing leaks that are causing high water bills could be your responsibility, depending on where they occur in your water system

Don’t worry, though! We’re here to help you understand which parts of your water line are your responsibility versus the city’s to help you take the right steps to fix the problem quickly and avoid more unnecessary costs.

What Are Hidden Water Leaks?

Hidden water leaks usually occur in pipes that are out of sight, such as underground, within walls, or under floors. Because they are out of sight, it’s easy for these leaks to go undetected for months, leading to higher water bills and less money in your pocket. While small leaks inside your home are typically easy to spot and fix, leaks in your water main or sewer lines can be much harder to identify and more expensive to repair.

City vs. Homeowner Responsibilities

Water is a utility, just like electric and gas, and similar to the other utilities, there are certain aspects that are your responsibility and others that fall into the scope of the provider. It’s important to know which parts of your water system are your responsibility and which are maintained by your water utility company. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

Company Water Service Line 

This line, which is owned and maintained by the water company, runs from the water main to your curb stop or curb line. If a leak occurs here, it is the water company’s responsibility to fix it.

Curb Stop 

A Curb Stop is a valve owned by the water company that controls the supply of water to your home. The company is responsible for maintaining it.

Customer Water Service Line

As a homeowner, you are responsible for the service line that runs from the curb stop to your home, known as the Customer Water Service Line. Any leaks in this line are your responsibility to repair.


The water meter is owned by the water company, but you are responsible for keeping the area around it accessible and free from damage, including freezing. If a meter issue leads to high water bills, the company can help investigate.

Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV)

This valve, owned and maintained by you, helps regulate water pressure in your home. If leaks are due to high water pressure, you may need to install or service a PRV.

Customer Sanitary Sewer Service Line 

Like your water service line, the sewer service line from your property line to your home is your responsibility. Sewer backups or leaks here are the homeowner’s duty to fix.


If your home has a clean-out—a point that allows access to clear sewer line blockages—it is also your responsibility to maintain.

How a Hidden Water Leak Affects Your Utility Costs

A leak in your customer water service line can cause your water usage– and therefore, your bill– to skyrocket without you even realizing it. Water that leaks underground might not show up in your home, but will certainly show up on your water meter, resulting in higher bills. Rising utility costs are a concern nationwide, and Terre Haute is no exception. Identifying leaks early is critical to avoid wasting both water and money.

Here’s a real-life example of how costly hidden leaks can be:

In Donner Springs, NV, a homeowner was losing between 800,000 and 900,000 gallons per month for approximately four months. The water was leaking from a yard line at a rate of around 20 gallons per minute, but because it never surfaced, it went undetected. Had this customer been on a metered rate, their water bills would have totaled more than $10,000 over four months, instead of the $280 they paid on a flat rate. 

Signs You Have a Hidden Water Main Leak

The above example highlights how undetected leaks can waste massive amounts of water and lead to skyrocketing utility costs if not addressed. There are signs you can keep an eye out for to ensure that you catch a leak as early as possible and save yourself from a massive bill in the future. Here are signs that you may have a leak in your water service line:

  • Increased Water Bills: If your water usage hasn’t changed but your bill has, it could indicate a leak.
  • Low Water Pressure: A drop in water pressure may suggest water is escaping from a leak before it reaches your home.
  • Wet Areas in Your Yard: Unexplained soggy spots or pooling water could mean a hidden leak in your service line.

How to Prevent and Addressing Water Main Leaks

Nobody wants to deal with costly repairs and rising bills, which is why it’s so important to keep an eye out for potential leaks in your water service line. Here’s how:

  • Regular Monitoring: As stated above, keep an eye on your water meter, water pressure, and the areas around your service line. If you notice abnormal usage, rising costs, or soggy areas, investigate further.
  • Schedule Regular Inspections: Have a professional plumber check your plumbing system periodically, especially if you live in an older home or suspect issues with your service line.
  • Install a Pressure Relief Valve (PRV): If your area has high water pressure, a PRV can protect your plumbing and prevent leaks caused by excessive pressure.

When to Call for Professional Help

Because water lines and sewer mains are underground, they are extremely difficult, if not impossible, for homeowners to inspect. If you suspect a hidden water main leak based on any of the above signs, it’s best to call a licensed plumber or a water utility expert. They can use specialized tools to detect leaks and help determine whether the leak is on your property or falls into the responsibility of the utility company.

Take Action with Supreme PHC

We fully understand the frustration and high costs that hidden water leaks and water main breaks can cause– after all, it’s our job! Our team of experienced professionals is equipped to quickly identify and repair leaks, whether they’re in your home’s plumbing or underground water service lines. 

With advanced leak detection technology and fast, reliable service, we’ll help you prevent further damage and avoid skyrocketing utility bills. Don’t wait until a small leak becomes a costly problem—contact Supreme PHC today to schedule an inspection and keep your water system in top shape!