How to Protect Your Home From Carbon Monoxide Leaks 

carbon monoxide from furnace

Did you know your home is at the highest risk of carbon monoxide poisoning from your furnace in the fall and winter? Without even knowing it, this odorless, tasteless, colorless, and potentially fatal threat can strike at any time.  Both regular HVAC maintenance and being aware of the common signs of carbon monoxide poisoning can help … Read more

Why Experience Matters with HVAC Installation and Repair

how to choose a hvac contractor

How can you choose an HVAC contractor? Getting an HVAC unit (or system) repaired or replaced can be a daunting task. It’s important to know all you can about getting one installed before you start.  Below, we outlined some questions to ask your HVAC contractor, the difference between commercial and residential HVAC units, and why … Read more

The 5 Key Benefits of Installing a Smart Thermostat

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Winter and summer are the two seasons of the year where it helps control over your HVAC system.  By installing a smart thermostat, you can expect unparalleled convenience, significant financial savings, and much more. Below are the five key benefits of installing a smart thermostat in your home or business. Interested in installing a smart … Read more

Prepping Your Furnace for Winter

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In the Indiana winter, your furnace is essential to keeping you and your family warm, safe, and comfortable. However, you don’t want to turn your furnace on during that first cold day only to find out that it isn’t working properly. Below are some helpful tips on how you can prep your furnace and stay … Read more

The Reasons You Need to be Changing Your Furnace Filter

Reasons You Need to be Changing Your Furnace Filter Blog Image

When was the last time you changed your furnace filter? If you can’t remember, it’s probably time you went and checked it. On average, you should be checking your filter every couple of months, or even more regularly when the system is constantly being used. With the cold weather approaching and many homes in Indiana … Read more

A Supreme Anniversary: Local Plumbing, HVAC & Fireplace Company Celebrates 65 Years

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Supreme PHC celebrates their 65th Anniversary with a complete remodel of their Fireplace & Hearth Showroom Supreme Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling (PHC) is celebrating their 65th Anniversary.  As a local, family-owned business, now in their 3rd generation, the company is excited for continued growth right here in Terre Haute with the complete remodel of their … Read more

Fall HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Fall HVAC Maintenance Checklist Blog Header

Summer’s almost over here in Indiana, which means winter will be here in no time. So don’t leave your home in the cold. If you want to make sure that your home is ready to stay comfortable and warm for the rest of the year, the fall is the best time to perform HVAC maintenance … Read more

Choosing Energy Efficient Appliances

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From your HVAC system to your AC unit, every appliance in your home comes with two different price tags: the price to purchase it and the price it will cost you to run it. Heating and cooling account for over half of the total energy used in the average home and is one of the … Read more