4 Signs That You Need a New Faucet

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Your faucets are probably some of the most used pieces of plumbing in your home. From cleaning to drinking, your faucet is an essential part of making sure your home operates smoothly. That’s why if your faucet starts to wear out and experience problems, you should replace it before it becomes a huge hassle. Here … Read more

Essential Bathroom Remodeling Tips You Need to Know

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Planning a bathroom design remodel is an exciting experience. From choosing the right fixtures and appliances to designing, a bathroom renovation is the perfect opportunity to create the bathroom that you’ve always wanted. However, you need to think carefully about what you want, and what works best for your bathroom. With so many options, it … Read more

When to Replace Your Hot Water Heater

When to Replace Your Hot Water Heater Blog Image

Having warm water is essential to having a comfortable home. From showers and baths to cooking, cleaning, and laundry, having warm running water is vital to our everyday lives, and we can thank our hot water heaters for it. However, nothing lasts forever, and sooner or later, your hot water heater is going to need … Read more

How to Maintain Your Hot Water Heater

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Your hot water heater is one of those home appliances that you don’t think about very often until suddenly it stops working and you’re stuck taking ice cold showers. However, with a little preventative maintenance done throughout the year, you can help to extend your tank’s lifespan and keep your water running hot and efficiently. … Read more

Tankless vs Regular Hot Water Heaters

Tankless vs Regular Hot Water Heaters

We’ve all had the experience of getting into the shower and being blasted with cold water. For many of us, we never really think about where our hot water is coming from—until we run out of it. Hot water heaters can have a huge impact on our daily routines and wallets. Replacing and maintaining a … Read more